Title: Gaza’s Broken Lullaby: Genocidal Unchilding and the Impossibility of Mothering.
Source: Studies in Gender and Sexuality
Date: September 2024
Title: Breakdown and Refusal: A Palestinian’s Reflection on Loss and Liberation
Source: Psychoanalytic Dialogues
Date: September 2024
Title: Can You See Me? Arab Immigrants’ Quests for Identity and Belonging
Source: Psychotherapy Network
Date: August 2024
Title: Is This a Dream or for Real? A psychoanalytic reflection on inaction and impasse
Source: Parapraxis
Date: April 2024
Title: Hippocratic Oath Just for some: What does “do no harm” mean to you?
Source: Mondoweiss
Date: November 2023
Title: On a Spring Day in Jerusalem
Book: A Land With A People: Palestinians and Jews Confront Zionism
Date: Fall 2021
Publisher: NYU Press
Title: The Normative Unconscious of Nations
Journal: International Journal for Applied Psychoanalysis
Date: December 2019
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Title: Buried Neck Deep
Blog:: ROOM: sketch for analytic action
Date: November 2018
Publisher: IPTAR
Title: Through the Trump Looking Glass into Alice’s Wonderland: on meeting the House Palestinian.
Journal: Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Date: September 2018
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Title: Buried Neck Deep
Journal: Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Date: September 2018
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Title: Where the Holocaust and Al-Nakba Met: radioactive identifications and the psychoanalytic frame
Journal: Psychoanalysis Culture and Society
Date: September 2018
Publisher: Springer
Title: 70th Anniversary of the Nakba: it was a warm April day in 1948, in Jerusalem.
Newsletter: The Psychoanalyst Activist.
Date: April 2018
Publisher: Section IX of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association
Title: First 100 Days: Indefensible
Newsletter: The Psychoanalyst Activist.
Date: 2017/02
Publisher: Section IX of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association
Title: Can You See Me?: The American Adolescent of Arab descent.
Newsletter: The Psychoanalyst Activist.
Date: 2016/11
Publisher: Section IX of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association.
Title: The Immigrant's Neverland: commuting from Amman to
Brooklyn. In Julia Beltsiou's book Immigration in Psychoanalysis: locating ourselves.
Date: 2016
Publisher: Routledge
Title: On Belonging: the American adolescent of Arab descent
Journal: Journal of Clinical Psychology: in session
Date: 2016
Publisher: Wiley Periodicals Incorporated
Title: From the International to the Interpersonal
Blog: Analysis Now
Date: November 2015
Publisher: Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis
Title: How Does It Feel To Be The Enemy?
Blog: Zeteo Journal
Date: May 1, 2013
Title: The Immigrant's Neverland: Commuting From Amman to
Journal: Contemporary Psychoanalysis
Date: June 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Title: Haiti: Lessons Learned
Source: United Nations Best Practices Unit
Date: April 1, 2004